My Daily Winter Skincare Routine!♡

I haven’t done a skincare routine in ages! I love reading these and used to love doing these but I stopped for a while because my skincare routine hadn’t changed that much. Now, I’m using lots of new products that I’d love to share with you so let’s get into it…

Mornings –

I don’t use much in the mornings, in fact, some mornings I don’t use anything at all but when I feel like my skin needs a little pick me up I’ll usually reach for my new holy grail product for spots: Acnicide and some moisturiser. One thing I always use in the morning is my pomegranate Burt’s Bees lip balm which keeps my lips soft and lovely even during the dry winter weather.

Evenings –

I start off my cleansing my face. I was using the Dermalogica foaming wash but I’ve recently run out and now I am using the Clinique liquid face wash. I think I preferred the Dermoligica wash because the Clinique one kind of smells funny and my skin doesn’t feel quite as good after as when I used the Foaming wash. About, every other day I use the Dermilogica face scrub which is great for leaving your skin feeling thoroughly cleansed and soft.

Every night, I switch up different night creams to use, a couple of my favourites are the Korres one and the FormuAbsolute one. They make my skin feel really bright and fresh as opposed to dull and dreary.

I then use a good eye cream because of my obsession that the delicate skin under your eyes needs lots of care. I also switch this up a lot and recently I’ve been enjoying this Filgora one that I got in my advent calendar.

Like the morning, I smother on some of my Acnecide spot cream. This has been the best product at clearing up my skin out of the long list of things I’ve tried. It’s quite harsh and very drying (this might not be the best for people with dry skin) but it does the trick!

Lastly, I use my grapefruit Eos lip balm (yes I have specific lip balms for different times of the day😂) which is another of my favourite lip balms. I like to apply lip balm every morning and every night because we can’t have those crusty lips! Eww – I really hate dry lips, they get on my nerves.

Steering away from my dislike of dry lips, I hope you liked this skincare routine. It was fun to do one of my classic posts that hasn’t been updated in a good while. Thanks for watching, don’t miss tomorrows post – it’s gonna be a good one!

Love Jasmine xx 

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