Tips for Buying a Real Christmas Tree!♡

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches? Well only lovely if you know how to buy the perfect tree! Today I’m sharing our family’s tips for buying a beautiful tree.

Finding the right place

Some places that we’ve gone to serve you hot chocolate as you walk through the door which is lovely but their trees were more expensive. Some have all their trees pre-netted which means you don’t know what it will look like until you get it home which personally we don’t like. Recently we’ve gone to LongAcres garden centres to get our tree because their prices are good and no one bothers us while we commence the annual search for the right tree. So I’d recommend you look around for a place that suits you.

Our Tree Checklist

We have a little checklist that the tree needs to pass in order to be the chosen one. Here it is:

Nice and tall (we have to be careful not to get carried away so keep in mind what’s going to fit!)

Thick and Bushy – No gaps! (We want it to look ‘fluffy’ and fat so we don’t accept trees with gaps – sorry!)

No broken branches – This is quite obvious, I don’t think anyone wants a tree with missing branches.

Triangular – We look for a nice traditional looking tree and in our eyes that is portrayed with a neat triangular tree.


We always manage to get it down to the option of two trees so we hold up both next to each other and choose the best one. My dad’s job is to always bring some gloves to hold up the trees.

Taking It Home

Now, I don’t feel like I should be giving tips for this because this is always the bit we struggle with because it never fits easily into the car! Somehow we manage it though. One thing my mum likes to do to prevent the car from getting very messy is putting the tree into an old duvet cover before putting it into the car. Another tip from my dad is to make sure to bring some bungee rope in case of emergencies (eg. We couldn’t actually fit the tree all the way in the car, no matter how much we tried and eventually it resulted in leaving part of the tree poking out of the boot and we bungee roped the boot as closed as possible😂)

Do you buy a real tree? If you do, or you’re thinking about it then I hope this helped! See ya soon,

Love Jasmine xx

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